Thursday, 24 December 2009

The day begin with

Bismillah Hirrahman Nirrahim

Assalamu'alaikum my dearest ukhti and akhi:)

Before we do anything. We read the doa. If we do not know the doa for certain stuff for example. Doa when you wear your cloths or the doa when you are about to pay for something. By reading Bismillah - With the name of Allah SWT (the most gracious most merciful) is insyaAllah enough already. Always remember Allah SWT. ALWAYS!

When you are feeling down. PUSH yourself to read the quran. Although we do not understand the meaning of the arabic words but quran can sooth your heartache. That is one of the miracles of the quran, it can make you feel calm even though you do not understand the meaning completely.

You can still cry and feel sad when reading it. Remember it is literally the words of Allah SWT, our creator. The One that understands us the most!

But make effort dear brother and sister, to understand the Fatihah. Say it meaningfully.

Also when you make dhikr, Lâ Ilâha Illallâh, Muḥammadun Rasûlullâh "

"There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"

Say it meaningfully.

Illahi is Allah SWT. Should be Allah SWT. However if we are too engrossed with dunya (worldly) stuff for example work, project, shopping, etc. Then our heart and mind is filled with worldly stuff. Nauzubillah. That is why we do not feel the sweetness of the dhkir, that is why we do not feel the sweetness and calmness of the Fatihah.

"Ya Allah, jauhilah kami dari perkara yang sia-sia dan berilah kami merasa kemanisan menyebut nama-namaMu." AMIN!

Together we strive in the path of Allah SWT.

p/s: PUSH yourself to read the quran.

If you feel sad or lonely or something missing in your life, then you're not reading the quran enough.

Salam ukhti and akhi :)

Friday, 23 October 2009

Tend to forget

In the name of Allah - The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Begin our work with Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim 

If we know the doa before eating, then read the doa.

However Allah SWT does not burden us

Even with just Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim  to begin everything you do is already sufficient. InsyaAllah.

So don't forget :)

Saturday, 17 October 2009

New Beginning


(Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatuh Brothers and Sisters,

When you meet your friends, It's good to give Salam. InsyaAllah dapat reward (Pahala)

Hadith for sharing:

Aishah RA narrates Rasulullah SAW said: "An army was advancing in order to attack the Ka'bah. When they reached an even plain, all of them were swallowed into the earth." I asked :" O Messenger of Allah! How could all of them be swallowed up when among them are merchants who were not part of them(the army)?"

He SAW replied." All of them were swallowed up, and they will eventually be resurrected according to their intentions."( Al-Bukhari & Muslim)