Saturday, 23 January 2010

Why this Heartache?

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatuh,

Why this heartache? 

I got this from a friend - "If you do dzikir, you won't get stress. If you're stressed, then you have not done enough dzikir."- courtesy of Wani D.

If we feel hurt, angry, sad or something missing it's because we don't remember Allah SWT. We often forget Him. We don't pray on time, we don't read the quran regularly, we don't do enough dzikir, we don't  make du'aa often. Allah SWT promise us it is only with the remembrance of Allah that hearts find rest.
[Quran, Surah Al-Ra'd 13:28 : "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction."]

What else do we want? Why are we being ungrateful?

If we forget to constantly remember Allah SWT this can lead to other sins.


O you who believe, shun much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins, that is to say, it causes one to fall into sin. This [suspicion] may have many forms, such as thinking ill of the good folk from among the believers — and such [good folk] are many — in contrast to the immoral individuals among them in whose case there is no sin, so long as it [the suspicion] is in accordance with their outward behaviour. And do not spy (tajassasū: one of the two tā’ letters [of tatajassasū] has been omitted): do not pursue the imperfections and faults of Muslims by searching them out; nor backbite one another, do not speak of him by [mentioning] something which he is averse to [having mentioned of himself], even if it be true. Would any of you love to eat the flesh of his brother dead? (read maytan or mayyitan). That is to say, it would not be right for him [to do so]. You would abhor it. Thus to backbite him in life would be like eating his flesh when he is dead. This latter [form of behaviour] has been suggested to you and you were averse to it, so be averse to the former too. And fear God, that is, His punishment for backbiting, by repenting of it; assuredly God is Relenting, accepting of the penitence of those who repent, Merciful, to them.

So again EMPHASISED here about the heart. Keep our heart away from suspicion, away from hatred, away from anger, away from arrogance, away from syirik, away from backbiting and slandering. 

How to do keep it away from all that?

Is only by the remembrance of Allah SWT. InsyaAllah.

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