Tuesday 30 March 2010


Salam :)


Pray everyday for Allah SWT to give us guidance,

And I thought I am a hypocrite. Sins after sins I commit. Major or minor. BUT still ALLAH SWT let me live for another day. Meaning another chance to repent. To make proper tawbah! MASYAALLAH!

And here I'm sitting down, thinking I don't deserve  His forgiveness or to even ask His forgiveness cause I think I'm a hypocrite and a sinner BUT still ALLAH SWT let me wake up from my sleep. Allah SWT is giving me another chance to live - to repent - to make proper TAWBAH! Ya ALLAH!

And I thought I could never be a good slave to Allah SWT. But today in my heart - I asked myself - Why? Allah SWT still wake me up from my sleep. Giving me another day to live. After the sins I have done. Why?

I think and think and think...

It's because Allah SWT loves me. That's what I believe with firm conviction in my heart. Amin. Giving me chance to repent and to make proper Tawbah.

This is a story I heard from a talk:

Allah SWT loves His slave 70 times more than a mother's love to her son or daughter.

There was this man, who is madly in love with a woman. The woman said to him, "If you really love me,bring your mother's heart to me."

He ran home to find his mother. Once he found her, he stabbed her chest. Ripped it opened and took her heart.He ran back to find his love. Along the way, he tripped and fell. The heart slipped out from his hands.

Then the heart cried out -" O my beloved son, are you hurt."

He killed his beloved mother, that loves him unconditionally. He felt extremely guilty.

He took the knife and tried to stab his own heart. Then the heart cried out again: "O my son, please don't stab my heart twice."

The moral of this story is the love of our mother to us is unconditional. But Allah SWT love us 70 times more than a mother's love to her son or daughter.

We can be very disobedient children most of the times. And Allah SWT is As-Sabr - The patient.

Pray to Allah SWT for guidance


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