BismillahHirrahmanNirrahim :)
Last night Ustaz Raminey gave a talk about "Jalan-jalan menuju ke Syurga" (The path to paradise)
Syurga(Paradise) and neraka(Hell) already exist. We believe that with firm conviction in our heart. So think. The way we live what path are we going to. Think...
To summarize the important part of the talk last night:
One way to the path of paradise is by menuntut ilmu. Seeking knowledge.
Engineering, Syariah, Chemistry, Tauhid, etc,etc semua tu ilmu Allah SWT. Semasa belajar, liatlah kebesaran Allah SWT, and bila di timpa kesusahan- doa kepada Allah SWT minta bantuan. Fully depend on Him. 2 in 1 benefit. InsyaAllah boleh excel in what we are doing as well as dapat reward from Allah SWT. AMIN!:)
The real knowledge brings us closer to Allah SWT. Bukannya menjauhkan or memisahkan tani from our Creator. Think...
The second way is bersihkan hati. (Clean your heart, polish your heart)
Al-kisah seorang sahabat Rasulullah SAW. Abu Umamah Ibn Jabar - Rasulullah SAW tell his companions that Abu Umamah is one of the people of paradise (Penghuni syurga) -Orangnya Abu Umamah ni very simple saja, very humble.
Abdullah Ammar another companion of Prophet SAW- He was very curious why Abu Umamah is one of the people of paradise. What so special about him? or what amalan that is extra special he did?
In the end Abu Ummah told Abdullah that hati nya inda pernah rasa dengki and iri hati and rasa dendam, etc etc(All of the penyakit-penyakit hati ia nada).
Before ia tidur pun ia bersihkan hatinya dari semua penyakit-penyakit hati tersebut ( benci, iri hati, riak, etc)
So yeah those are two ways out of many more ways jalan tuk ke syurga.
I haven't been a good slave to Allah SWT
I love this ayat: Surah Ad-Dhuha ayat 3:
3. Your Lord (O Muhammad ()) has neither forsaken you nor hated you.
(Tuhanmu tidak meninggalkn engkau (Muhammad) dan tidak pula membencimu)
Ayat 3 surah Ad-Dhuha really comforts me :)
Its so easy to rememeber and needing You during the hard times than the easy times. Ya Allah please forgive me.
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