Monday, 26 April 2010

Istiqamah - consistency

01 May 2010:17 Jumada-al-Awwal 1431

Sabda Rasulullah saw: "Wahai manusia, laksanakanlah amalan-amalan menurut kemampuan kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan bosan sebelum kamu merasa bosan. Sesungguhnya amalan yang paling disukai Allah ialah amalan yang ringan namun berterusan." 
( Hadis Riwayat Muslim )

Ibn al-Qayyim mentions that some knowledgeable people would say, “Be the companion of Istiqaama and not the seeker of respect and nobility [amongst the people], because your soul seeks this respect and nobility while Allaah has called it to seek Istiqaama.” He (rahimahullaah) also said, ‘I heard Ibn Taymiyyah say, “The greatest nobility lies in the presence and requirement of Istiqaama”

Change is difficult, so does the path to Jannah. Be patient, be strong and believe in Allah

Lets begin with,

In the name of Allah - The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Sunday, 4 April 2010

It's gonna happen


I've been thinking lately, gaurantee my life is going to be over - for sure its going to happen. So lately everytime I perform the solat, this is the amalan that is going to accompany me. Because I'm gonna be alone. Only my amalan is gonna be with me and gonna protect me. AMIN!!!!

But if my solat and other ibadah is ala kadar saja nya orang or masa sembahyang lalai, or inda ikhlas then how can my amalan accompany me nanti, is it able to protect me??

I'm going to leave everything behind. And only my amalan will be with me. AMIN!

Allah SWT menyintai orang yang membuat kebaikan.
Allah SWT MENYINTAI ORANG yang membuat kebaikan.

So buat lah kebaikan sentiasa.

Jazakumullahu Khayr!

Ask ourself and think


Ask ourself siapa yang berjaya di dunia ni? 

Think and List down a few:

My list:

Bill gates - use to be the richest man in the world
Richard branson, Donald Trump super successful businessman right?
Michael Jordan - a legend in basketball

Agree? They are very successful in this world - this dunya

Ask ourself - Are they going to be successful in the hereafter. (This is for me to think for myself.)

Ask ourself - Who are successful in the hereafter?

Think and List down a few:

My list:
Para sahabat

Agree? They excel in the hereafter?

What about di dunya - what about in this world are they successful?

YES! they excel in this world and the hereafter!

How they excel in this world and the hereafter?? How??

I'm still reading books about The Prohet's Companions and about the Prophet himself. I'm still learning. So yeah. 

So as i mentioned in my previous post

"Allah SWT kurniakan us akal-so think. Alhamdulillah we know how to read. Carilah jawapannya. Internet ada, buku ada, ask orang kah. InsyaAllah, Allah SWT mengetahui apa yang dalam our heart. So walaupun besar habuk saja atau besar biji atom saja yang tani MAHU mencari ilmu - or ada kebaikan dalam our hati sebesar biji atom. InsyaAllah Allah SWT akan bantu. Yakin pada Allah SWT!"

Ask ourself - tolabul ilmi fariidotun ‘ala kulli muslimin wa muslimat

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabaraktuh :)


Ask ourself, What is islam?

tolabul ilmi fariidotun ‘ala kulli muslimin wa muslimat (menuntut ilmu itu wajib bagi setiap muslim, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan)

Allah SWT kurniakan us akal-so think. Alhamdulillah we know how to read. Carilah jawapannya. Internet ada, buku ada, ask orang kah. InsyaAllah, Allah SWT mengetahui apa yang dalam our heart. So walaupun besar habuk saja atau besar biji atom saja yang tani MAHU mencari ilmu - or ada kebaikan dalam our hati sebesar biji atom. InsyaAllah Allah SWT akan bantu. Yakin pada Allah SWT!

Ask ourself, seumur hidup ketani, ada tani ambil whudu bisai2, and dirikan solat bisai2 (our mind inda melayang or lalai) and after solat tani doa. Doa bisai2. Banar2 minta arah Allah SWT untuk tunjuk kan kepada tani jalan yang lurus. 

When is the last time or how many times we really doa to Allah SWT to show us the right path, to keep us in the right path?? 

Dunya ni milik Allah SWT. Semua ilmu milik Allah SWT. Allah SWT Maha Bijaksana. So not impossible for Allah SWT untuk membukakan pintu ilmu to us. And try not to think limited jalan Allah SWT ni. C'mon lah Allah SWT Maha Bijaksana, Maha Berkuasa atas segala sesuatu. Dunia ni milik Nya.

Alhamdulillah, we have banyak nikmat2 Allah SWT beri, dapat membaca, know how to use internet, we have the means to learn BUT masalahnya do we have the desire untuk belajar.

Cuba fikir, orang yang nada nikmat2 tersebut. Inda tau membaca. Nada internet. Macam negeri2 yang susah, damit2, umur 5 tahun, 6 tahun sudah mesti bekeraja. Ada yang kana paksa untuk minta derma. Astagafirullah Hal'Adhim. Ya Allah, lindungilah durang Ya Allah. Amin.

What is islam?

Fikir walaupun tuk sesaat saja. But banar2 fikir. 

Jazakumullahu Khayr :)
