Monday 26 April 2010

Istiqamah - consistency

01 May 2010:17 Jumada-al-Awwal 1431

Sabda Rasulullah saw: "Wahai manusia, laksanakanlah amalan-amalan menurut kemampuan kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan bosan sebelum kamu merasa bosan. Sesungguhnya amalan yang paling disukai Allah ialah amalan yang ringan namun berterusan." 
( Hadis Riwayat Muslim )

Ibn al-Qayyim mentions that some knowledgeable people would say, “Be the companion of Istiqaama and not the seeker of respect and nobility [amongst the people], because your soul seeks this respect and nobility while Allaah has called it to seek Istiqaama.” He (rahimahullaah) also said, ‘I heard Ibn Taymiyyah say, “The greatest nobility lies in the presence and requirement of Istiqaama”

Change is difficult, so does the path to Jannah. Be patient, be strong and believe in Allah

Lets begin with,

In the name of Allah - The Most Gracious, Most Merciful

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